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Showing posts from August, 2017

The Lament of Merchants in Business Center

Business Center, Andalas University Padang (8/29) – Business Center (BC) is a place which is provided by Andalas University party for merchant to sell their merchandise. The most of their sell are food and drink with many variation like fried rice, noodle, meatball, Padang rice, and many more. There are so many students which come here to spend their time after tired because of lectures. The price of food and drink are very affordable for students. It makes they want to come again and again to BC. Students eat and drink in Business Center However, behind it all, the struggle of merchants is not runs smoothly like what we know. There are so many complaints that every merchants have in BC. Bundo Cafe Bundo (55), the one of merchant in BC and the owner of Bundo CafĂ© said, “I have been selling in this place since 2010. But, it does not run smoothly because the price of ingredients to make food is always increasing every year. Whereas, the food price that I am sell

KOI Disappointed Flag of Indonesia Reversed in SEA Games Guidebook

Guidebook SEA Games 2017 ( / Cakrayuri Nuralam) Kuala Lumpur – The chairman of Komite Olimpiade Indonesia (KOI), Erick Thohir is disappointed about the mistake of Indonesia flag picture which is reversed in SEA Games guidebook XXIX/2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In a  book titled,  special souvenirs,  which were distributed to invited guests, including State Minister for Youth and Sport Affairs, Imam Nahrawi during the opening ceremony of Southeast Asian Games held at Bukit Jalil Stadium, Kuala Lumpur, Saturday (08/19/2017), is obvious oversight of SEA Games 2017 committees. In page 80 of that book, the flag of Indonesia was reversed and became white red. The position of Indonesia’s flag was next on Malaysia’s flag. Indonesia's flag printed upside down is actually to signify the country that has hosted the SEA Games. In the below of Indonesia’s flag was clearly visible about the years when Indonesia became the host of SEA Games 1979, 1987, 1997, and 2011.